Sunday, December 2, 2012

Why am I blogging? What might I blog about?

The further I go in this life, the more I realize the need I have to draw closer to God.  The world is crazy and falling apart and I want something more, something better for my husband, my children and my self. There is very little this world can offer us in this day and age, so where are we to look for hope, for love, for acceptance? 

Let me give you a little bit about myself for a second. I am a stay at home mom. I love my husband with a full heart. God has blessed me with a fantastic man who works hard for his family and is the best friend I have. I have three children. My two boys are in the starts of their "Tween " years. Hormone changes and all. I have a six year old little girl who is so sweet, so compassionate and so tender hearted that it doesn't take much to straighten her path back out from day to day. I home school our children and we are in our third year.  I am also a somewhat single mom for most of the week. My husband has a job that keeps him from home during the week and then he is home on the weekends. It is a hard life to have a husband that isn't here to do the man things with the boys , to hug his daughter when her heart is broken or to kiss his wife goodnight, but it is the life God has given us for now and I will praise Him in it. 

Through this new path God has placed us on, I have had to learn a few new things about myself and the kind relationship I need to have with my loved ones but also with Jesus Christ. I have found that the better the relationship gets with Him the better my relationship gets with them. The more I learn to love Him, the easier it is to love them. Without the love of the Lord I would not be able to function from day to day. I would be an angry mother and wife and I would be a terrible friend. As long as I seek His face and will in my life, I can handle the craziness that is given to me.

Don't get me wrong, I have my days. Days where curling up in my bed with a hot cup of tea and my Kindle is most likely going to be my preferred choice, being a stay at home mom who home schools her children and is alone most days, I can't do that. I just have to pray, often, through out the day for God grace and mercy to flow through me to my children and others around me. With out it... well you may see me on " America's Most Wanted" - :D

So I hope you will join me as we travel this life that is layed out before us. My blogs will very from day to day. They may be about what I learned in my devotions, craziness in the house, or just a little girl talk. So enjoy and be blessed!

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